My name is Abel Bouso and I have 15 years old. Now I am going to talk about the different activities that we did in the class.
My favourite activities were the recipe with my friend Joan. It was very funny, because Joan and I like to cook.
The activity I didin't like was Christmas traditions because every year, we had done the same and finally it is boring. Another activity that I liked was my favourite song because I have a lot of favourite songs but one of them (first date by Blink 182) was specially for me. The rest of the activities weren't funny but weren't boring.
The different classes activities were funny, because when you watch a film in English, you practise the pronunciation and my pronunciation isn't good.
In my blog, there are all the activities and it is correct, also have photos and differnt links.
In this year, I think that my English has improved in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in front of my friends. Finally I think the English classes are funny and I have learnt a lot too.